Educational video explaining the impacts of the Affordable Care Act for everyday Americans. I performed script writing and creative direction.
Video that introduces potential clients to the CHG family of brands. I wrote the script and provided creative direction.
Promotional signage for the company’s sales incentive trip to Grand Cayman. I was responsible for creative direction and copywriting.
Print ad series for SelectHealth focusing on member stories. I provided creative direction, photo shoot art direction, and design.
Creative direction, copywriting, and design for CHG Healthcare’s dual-purpose website (employee recruitment and client acquisition).
30-second TV spots targeting and featuring small businesses in Utah. I provided creative direction for the campaign.
Print advertisements for underground construction company, embracing the challenging, non-glamorous nature of their work.
Video series to play on internal company monitors, reminding employees of the importance of entering accurate information.
Office installations used to highlight company values.
T-shirt designs created for, a site aimed at helping small businesses weather the COVID-19 crisis.
Lighthearted video to outline the changes to office culture and processes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I wrote the script and provided creative direction.